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Advancing the Bowspring Practice – Springer & Friend


Advancing the Bowspring Practice (Advanced Bowspring)
Desi Springer and John Friend

This plan includes 2 classes: Advancing the Bow & Bowspring vs Anusara. Designed for more advanced Bowspring practitioners, learn a challenging flow taught in Katas or sections. Perfect for those that want to refine their Bowspring practice and learn the latest advances.

Advancing the Bow
This is an advanced practice for experienced Bowspring students, who have a good working knowledge of the alignment ABC’s of the Wings and Roots, and who want to go to the next level of mind-body health. Deepen and refine your Bowspring practice with an expanding radiant heart in this continuous flow taught in various sections or Katas.

Bowspring vs. Anusara
In this class, you’ll learn the key differences between the Bowspring Method and Anusara yoga from John Friend, the founder of both these popular alignment methods.

As the wise Maya Angelou once said, ‘‘Do the best you can until you know better, then when you know better, do better.’’

John created the alignment system Anusara yoga in 1997 based on the idea to lengthen the spine through stacking the joints – and then after working with Desi Springer in 2012, embracing advances in science and health, John continued to learn and outgrew his old system. After working with Desi Springer and her revolutionary ideas of yoga, a new school of alignment was born- The Bowspring Method.

In Anusara, the body is supposed to be aligned to reduce pressure by stacking the joints with the underlying idea that the bones hold up the body. Today we know that the body is held up and supported by muscles, fascia and fluid.

The Bowspring allows the body embrace and strengthen its natural curves.

Break down traditional Anusara poses and feel the difference with the Bowspring method.

Lifelong student of Yoga, John Friend, creator of Anusara yoga and co-founder of the Bowspring alignment method with Desi Springer. Considered one of the most influential Yoga teachers of our time, John expresses in this video one of the hardest things for human beings: that he was wrong and did the best he could at the time but most importantly, that he has learned and evolved. The new revolutionary method of alignment, the Bowspring offers our sedentary society a powerful and instant reconnection to it’s vibrant, primal, healing self.

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