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Studentship of Korean and Japanese Yogis

In general, studentship in Korea and Japan is among the highest quality in the world. One reason for great studentship is that the sensei or teacher in Asia is very highly respected, particularly in Japan and Korea. Asian students value their education with their sensei with whom they presume to have very good understanding of their particular subject. The sensei is regarded as one who has walked the path for a longer period of time than any of the students. With regular practice over a long period of time, the sensei has accumulated knowledge and wisdom along the path, which the students wish to follow. So when the sensei speaks, Korean and Japanese students are very attentive and rarely miss an instruction. During each class with Desi and me, there was absolute quiet and little movement from the studious, note-taking students when instructions were presented.

Fundamental Bowspring alignment instructions, notably for the hands and feet were presented only once by Desi and I. The students would consistently perform the instructed alignments after a single reminder. Although some particular aspects of the bow-spring alignment were generally difficult for the Asian students—like creating enough fullness in the upper back with a widening of the pelvic floor and a pushing out of the knees—all of the students performed at their fullest capacity.

Desi and I were so inspired by the outstanding studentship in Korea and Japan that our own daily practices have been at a higher level of focus and gracefulness since returning home. We intend on teaching the elements of this high level studentship in our Bowspring curriculum worldwide.

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