Global Bowspring Teacher Certification Process

The Global Bowspring Teacher certification process in the Bowspring method is designed to ensure the quality of Bowspring classes and integrity of the trademark globally. Each teacher has several years of experience in the Bowspring method. They have demonstrated a clear understanding of the Bowspring method and what is required to effectively share this new movement and postural paradigm with all levels of students around the world.

What You Should Know and Consider Prior to Applying:

The certification process is an opportunity for personal growth and for collaboration with other Bowspring teachers within the global community. Certification is fundamentally a process of studentship and we require our teachers continue to expand their knowledge through online training, attending workshops led by John Friend and Desi Springer, and reviewing available training materials. Training materials include video content and written documents.

*** John Friend and Desi Springer are the only teachers authorized to offer teacher training programs in the Bowspring® method.

Sequence for the Bowspring Teacher Certification Process:

Once the written application is approved, three video submissions are required which will be reviewed by the Global Bowspring Certification Committee. To find the written application, please refer to the Certified Teachers Page. Certification candidates will record and submit videos of themselves practicing the Seed Kata while maintaining the Bowspring algorithm, sharing how to embody a Radiant Heart in both practice and life, and teaching a short segment of the Seed Kata to one or a few students.

Throughout the certification process, applicants will receive feedback and support from a member of the Certification Committee. Feedback will encourage improvement, growth, and success and mirrors Global Bowspring’s systems approach to ongoing studentship through peer feedback and support.

The application status will remain open for 12 months following approval of the written application form. It is the responsibility of the aspiring certified teacher to have all required videos submitted within that time frame.

You will receive detailed instructions and support from the Certification Committee throughout the certification process. The steps to becoming a Global Bowspring Certified Teacher are listed below:

Step 1:

Ensure that you meet the minimum requirements to apply for Global Bowspring Teacher Certification. Please review the requirements and download the written application form on the Certified Teachers Page.

Step 2:

Complete and submit the Seed Kata video. Certification candidates will be emailed documents outlining the Seed Kata sequence, recording requirements, and additional supportive documents. Seed Kata videos will first be reviewed by the Global Bowspring Certification Committee and will then have a final review by Desi Springer. If significant errors are observed, certification candidates will be required to continue practice for 90 days prior to resubmitting their Seed Kata video.

*At time of video submission, a Certification Application processing fee of $100.00 USD will be requested via Paypal. This is a one-time fee only and will not be required for resubmissions of the Global Bowspring Teacher Certification Application.

Step 3:

Candidates successful with their Seed Kata video will be emailed instructions and expectations for the Radiant Heart and teaching skills videos to assist with completion of the remaining video requirements.

Step 4:

Following successful completion of the previous steps, applicants will receive an official letter of acceptance as a Global Bowspring Certified Teacher from co-founder, Desi Springer.

Step 5:

Accepted Certified Teachers will be invited to sign the Global Bowspring Certified Teacher contract to enter into partnership with Global Bowspring.

*Applicants will receive an email from the Global Bowspring Certification Committee within 24 hours to confirm successful video submissions and uploads.

*Within 30 days of each submitted video requirement, feedback will be provided from a member of the Certification Committee. The Global Bowspring Certification Committee will inform the certification candidate if there is a holding time for video review extending beyond 30 days.

If you have any questions about the certification process, please contact the certification committee by sending an email to

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